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Removing Black streaks......... for real!

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:30 am
by Brian0047
Hello all,

This is my first post on the site, I was an avid fan of the old site but agree that it got too much to maintain. I learned a lot from that site and wanted to pass on a real life story to try and help others...

Background: I have a 2005 Bentley 240 Fish, been boating 3 years with it now, the toons are a nice oxidized aluminum (I don't mind them not being shiny), there are a few spots on the furniture (3 year old granddaughter and tons of nieces/nephews being onboard), so I am not a fanatic about the boat's looks (it was made to be used and enjoyed, right?). The only annoying item on the boat is the black streaks formed from water running off the cover. I have tried countless cleaners with no real success.. then read about using "nu-finish" car polish..... it worked wonders, removed the black marks with little effort and left a shiny, waxlike surface..... I understand that nu-finish is a fine abrasive, but it looks really nice now with no black marks and with a little luck, the black marks will be harder to form and easier to remove next time....

But I am glad to report that the nu-finish will remove the black marks quite nicely and am hoping that this will help someone as I have been helped on this board in the past.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:56 am
by HandymanHerb
Welcome glad to have you with us